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Kawaii Concrete Countertop Polishing Package 5" Wet

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concrete countertop polishing package
List Price: $263.00
Sale Price: $235.80
Item Number: kawaii-wet-kit-5


Choose Wet Polisher
This wet concrete countertop polishing package is created to cater to the growing needs for DIY home owners and contractors to polish concrete counter tops. The package includes:
  • a Kawaii wet variable speed polisher model WEP250
  • a set of professional grade 5" JHX wet metal bond diamond polishing pads specially formulated for polishing concrete
  • a 5" back holder semi-rigid
  • a heavy duty water proof apron
  • and a clear goggle. 
The set of diamond polishing pads includes 50 grit, 100 grit, 200, 400, 800, 1500 and 3000 grit. The entire packages is offered at a 5% discount over purchasing separately. 

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